It is now day 16 of the WGA Writers Strike and I have finally decided to go public with my official stance: I support the writers. In these times of crisis we often ask ourselves "what can I do to help? I'm just one person." And it is in these times that we look to our leaders for inspiration. Unfortunately this is an area we've been lacking in, so I would like to quote the late John Fitzgerald Kennedy: "One person can make a difference and every person should try."
With that in mind, I am pleased to announce that next Monday, November 26th, is officially "Blog Nothing Day". For the entire day I will not update, comment, or contribute to the blogosphere in support of the WGA Writers Strke and I urge you to do the same. By supporting Blog Nothing Day, you are supporting the WGA and making a REAL difference. Spread the word!
Update: Please join the facebook event here.